We all know that working out is vital for our mental and physical well-being, but finding the motivation to do it is a real challenge. Whether it’s a lack of energy, a busy schedule, or not feeling motivated, we have all been there. Don’t worry; you are not alone in this. We all have those days when we would rather stay in bed or binge-watch our favorite shows.
The new year is around the corner, and like every other year, you must have added workouts to the list of your yearly goals. As soon as a few days of the new year goes off, you start lacking the spark to get out of your bed to hit the gym or go for a walk. Let bygones be bygones. Let’s start afresh once again. Let’s not take our health for granted, as it is our only real wealth.
By the end of this blog, you will have enough motivation to work out daily without any excuse. Let’s have a look at realistic tips that will pump your motivation to work out. And it is completely fine to take a day off from everything, even working out, to relax and eat what you like the most.
A clear and precise goal will help you stay motivated throughout your fitness journey. Start your journey by setting a specific goal, which could be any. For instance, your goal could be hitting a certain distance in a day, lifting a particular weight, buying a new size of your favorite dress, or reducing your risk of developing serious health conditions. No wonder working out is a miracle to our well-being, preventing and managing serious conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and heart attack. Therefore, set a clear goal to achieve your fitness goals.
If you don’t have any goals, improving your physical and mental well-being should be your goal. Working out keeps your energy and mood up throughout the day, with several other uncountable benefits.
Do you remember you opted for the science stream because you wanted to be a doctor? You had the reason and justification for opting for the science. In the same way, you will have to find your “why” for adding a workout to your daily routine and knowing your “why” will help you stay on track and dedicated to your fitness goals. Ask yourself whether it is for better health, a good physique, or a healthy lifestyle. Once you have figured out your why, you are good to go.
Suppose you have problems finding your “why,” seek professional advice. They will help you to determine why you should work out daily or thrice a week.
If you aim to follow the same routine for weeks, you will get bored with your fitness goals and may leave it in between. Therefore, make sure boredom doesn’t take over fitness goals. Mixing up different activities is the best way to avoid boredom. For example, if you go to the gym on Monday, swim on Tuesday, and practice cycling on Wednesday. Mixing up different activities will help you stay motivated and engaged in your goals. Mixing up things might also help you to find a new passion.
Trying different activities will train your overall body, keeping you healthy and active.
Including music in your fitness journey will make it more enjoyable. While working out, you can play your playlist or go for the podcast you have been delaying due to a busy schedule. Music works as magic in your fitness routine, preventing boredom and distractions. It will keep you hooked throughout your session each day.
It seems tough to make time to meet your friends due to a busy schedule and long hours working shifts. What if you get yourself a workout buddy? Wouldn't that be fun? Having a friend who is ready to work out with you will make your routine fun and enjoyable. You can cheer up each other, share your success, or try something new together as well. If you don’t have any friends or they are pretty occupied, you can join a social group who are engaged in the same activities.
When you don’t have a schedule, you will work out when you are free or feel like doing so. This way, it will cause trouble to your overall routine. Therefore, you must create a weekly or biweekly schedule to keep it easygoing. When you stick to your schedule, you are less likely to skip your workout, like your important calls and appointments. However, if you feel like resting someday, go for it. Having realistic goals will help you stay determined on this journey for a long time.
Rewarding yourself is the best way to keep yourself motivated and committed to your goals. Whenever you hit a milestone, healthily treat yourself. For instance, go for a massage, get new equipment to ease your fitness journey, or pamper yourself with something healthy. This way, you will aim to hit new milestones that will keep your fitness journey ongoing and enjoyable.
Staying motivated all the time to work out can be challenging, but you can keep that fire burning with the right strategies. Remember to set clear goals, find your “why,” and create a schedule prioritizing workouts. Keep your journey exciting by adding new exercises or involving a workout buddy. Don’t forget to reward yourself with something you love whenever you hit a milestone. And most importantly, be kind to yourself and celebrate each step, no matter how small. Stay focused, stay motivated, and keep crushing those fitness goals.
As listed earlier, there are certain ways that will motivate you to work out and stay committed to it for the long term. Motivation is present within you. You just need to bring it out through:
Setting a clear goal
Finding your “why”
Making music your workout companion
Rewarding yourself
Having a workout buddy by the side
There are certain factors that determine results, such as type of training, genetics, age, lifestyle indicators, etc. If you do not see results from working out, the possible reasons could be:
Not having a clear goal in mind
Being stuck on the same exercise
Diet does not represent your workout.
Not getting enough rest
Keeping up with bad habits such as alcohol and smoking
If you are someone who is always making excuses not to go to the gym, maybe you need to be more motivated. By opting for some ways, you can stay motivated for a workout in the long term. These ways consist of:
Make realistic goals
Get yourself a gym buddy
Listen to your favorite singer or podcast
Mix up different activities to kill boredom
Create a schedule
You should keep a few things in mind to keep up with the consistency for workouts, such as:
Don’t compare your journey with someone who started before you.
Don’t let your past version take over the present version of you.
Set goals that are achievable.
Ask for help from a friend or trainer if needed.
Find a gym buddy or perfect your playlist.
B. Pharma
(Dr. A. Sharma, PharmD, is a licensed pharmacist and a medical writer with 10 years of clinical experience. He strives to empower patients to understand their medications so that they become better healthcare advocates.)
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