Eyes are the most important and crucial organ of your body. Without the eyes, we are nothing. So, it is very important to respect the eyes and take good care of it. However, there is no quick fix to this problem but if you adopt the right measures, it can improve gradually.
There are many prescription eye drops and non-prescription eye drops that can help you take care of your eyes. But it is recommended to contact your doctor before using any medication for your eyes.
It is very important to get your eye checked daily so as to make sure you are not going through any kind of eye disease or vision loss. If you are facing vision loss, then your doctor can recommend drops for eye care that can help you treat your beautiful eyes.
You can take care of your eyes with the help of the following tips;
Take eye care infection medications if you are suffering from any infection.
Eating healthy and staying fit is a must as being unfit can impact your eyes. You can also perform different eye exercises to make your eyesight strong.
Also, you can adopt a lifestyle change called the 20-20-20 rule wherein, you are supposed to stare at the computer for 20 minutes and take a break and look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds, this is for people who have a computer job and look at the computer screen for 8-9 hours daily. By doing so you are protecting your eyes and putting less strain on them.
If you are going out, make sure you wear protective sunglasses and help protect your eyes from the UVA and UVB rays.
Apart from all this, not many know that smoking can cause high impact on your vision and makes you more prone to cataracts and other eye problems. There are other problems, like dry eye problems, etc that one can also suffer. For such problems, there are common dry eye care drops or other eye infection drops that can help combat dry eye problems.
So, it is very very essential to take good care of your eyes, as without it you won’t be able to see the beautiful life and people around you. Adopting the right lifestyle is a must if you do not want to fall prey to any illness.
You can easily buy over the counter eye care drops or OTC eye drops from us and help save up to 80% on your overall drug cost.
Ketorolac (0.5%/5ml) Eye Drop
Brinzolamide (1% w/v) + Timolol (0.5% w/v)
Cyclopentolate (1% w/v)
Difluprednate (0.05% w/v)
Bimatoprost (0.01% w/v) Ophthalmic Solution
Tropicamide (1% w/v) Eye Drop
Brinzolamide (1% w/v) + Brimonidine (0.2% w/v)
Clobetasol (0.05% w/v) Solution
Naphazoline 0.1%w/v 10ml
Dexamethasone (0.1%) + Tobramycin (0.3%) Eye Drops
Nepafenac (0.3%/3ml) Eye Drop
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