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A box and a tube of Hydroquinone 4 % Cream- 30gm

Generic Eldoquin 4 % Cream (Tube-30gm)

  • Manufacturer Abbott
  • Generic Name Hydroquinone (4% w/w)
  • Rx Requirement This product requires a PRESCRIPTION

The active ingredient in generic Eldoquin 4 % Cream is hydroquinone, which fights the symptoms of hyperpigmentation, commonly known as melasma.

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Price Per Cream Qty. Price (US $)
$19.45 1 $19.45 Add to Cart
$11.16 3 $58.35 $33.48 You Save $24.87 Add to Cart
$8.71 6 $116.70 $52.26 You Save $64.44 Add to Cart
$7.11 9 $175.05 $63.99 You Save $111.06 Add to Cart
$6.83 12 $233.40 $81.96 You Save $151.44 Add to Cart
$6.67 15 $291.75 $100.05 You Save $191.70 Add to Cart
$6.50 20 $389.00 $130.00 You Save $259.00 Add to Cart
  • Uses

    Uses of Generic Eldoquin 4 % Cream (Tube-30gm)

    • This medication is primarily advised for the treatment of dark spots of skin, which is also known as hyperpigmentation. 

    • ·Hyperpigmentation is caused by multiple reasons, such as birth control pills, hormone medicines, pregnancy, injury, aging, etc. 

    • While using medication, avoid sun exposure because skin-lightening medications turn your skin more sensitive to the sun. 

    • Apply the cream to your skin with clean hands once or twice a day or as directed by your healthcare provider. ?

  • Description
  • General Information

    All the health and medical information provided over here is for general purposes only. We in no way can match up to the expertise and judgement of your healthcare provider. Therefore, we would recommend you to always consult your doctor first before taking any drug or medication, to certify the safety and efficacy of it on you.

  • Warning & Precautions

    • Do not use the medicine if you are allergic to it.

    • Tell your medical practitioner if you are a breastfeeding mother or pregnant before starting with the medication.

    • The drug is not approved for anyone younger than 12 years of age.

    • Tell your healthcare instructor about your medical history and the medicines that you have been taking for the same.

    • Avoid prolonged sun exposure and tanning. Booths and sunlamps.

  • Side Effects

    Side effects of Generic Eldoquin 4 % Cream (Tube-30gm)

    • Mild itching, redness, or other irritation

    • Mild burning or stinging of treated skin

    • Blisters or oozing

    • Blue or black discoloration of the skin

  • Directions to use

    • Follow the instructions stated by your doctor or as mentioned on the label.

    • Apply the cream twice a day, in the morning and at bedtime.

    • Wash your hands with a cleanser before applying the medicine.

    • Clean and dry the affected areas.

    • Take a small amount of the cream and use it on the affected areas.

    • Rub it gently.

    • Wash your hands once you are done with the application.

    • Don’t forget your SPF before heading out in the sun.

    • Store it at room temperature. 

    Buy hydroquinone 4% cream online only from Day Night Drugs with great deals and discounts.

  • Benefits

    The following are the benefits of generic Eldoquin 4% cream 10gm: - 

    • The medication is available as a low-cost generic drug which makes it even more accessible and affordable. 

    • The cream is available as a combination product with sunscreen to protect the skin from harmful UV rays. 

    • It is found in multiple dosages, forms, and strengths which further gives the doctor flexible options to choose the right drug for you. 

  • Diet and Lifestyle Advice

    Eldoquin is an over-the-counter medication used for treating age spots, melasma, freckles, or chloasma. Apart from taking the right medication, it is equally important to take the right food and maintain a healthy lifestyle so as to attain better results. Read the following lifestyle hack before you buy generic Eldoquin cream, as these can help you better your overall skin health: - 

    • Food rich in antioxidants: - Antioxidants are considered to be the best component to better skin health. It reduces inflammation and repair skin. Antioxidants protect the skin’s surface from oxidative damage and improve appearance and texture. Berries, nuts, and beans are high in antioxidants and can be considered a part of a daily diet plan.  

    • Avoid processed foods: - Processed foods are a curse for your entire skin's health. They increase the chance of frequent breakouts and degrade skin quality. It reduces the level of collagen and elastin in the skin, which leads to saggy-looking skin. 

    • Avoid inflammatory drinks: - Along with packaged foods, inflammatory drinks such as packaged fruit juices, sugary teas, and sodas do no good to your skin. They spike the insulin level and lead to skin inflammation, resulting in acne breakouts. 

    • Do not forget your SPF: - Sunscreen should be the sole part of your day skincare regime. Do not head out without applying your SPF. Make sure to wear a protective layer of clothing each time you head out to protect the exposed body parts from UV damage. 

    • Hydration is the key: - Hydration is a game changer. Proper hydration locks the moisture and results in soft, supple, and glowing skin. Dehydrated skin does not hold moisture content and appears dull, dry, and cracked. 

  • Storage

    Generic Eldoquin cream is pretty easy to store. All you need to do is to keep it at room temperature, away from heat, moisture, and flame. It should be stored in a dry and cool place. Do not refrigerate or freeze the cream. And make sure to keep it away from the reach of pets and children. Avoid storing it on the bathroom shelf. Dispose of the drug if it expires. 

  • Similar Products

    Generic Hydroquinone (2%) + Tretinoin (0.025%) + Mometasone (0.1 %) cream is one of the alternatives to Eldoquin cream. 

  • Interactions with Other Drugs

    Eldoquin cream is used for treating sun damage, freckles, skin darkening, and age spots. It is a topical skin care medication and is not likely to react with any other drugs, supplements, or vitamins. For the safer side, it is essential to let your medical provider know about your health history concerning your skin and ongoing treatments and share the list of current products or medicines. This shall let him choose the right strength or know if the drug is safe for you to use.

  • FAQs
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    • What is Eldoquin used for?

      Eldoquin is used for lightening dark patches of skin, known as hyperpigmentation, liver spots, melasma, freckles, and age spots.

    • What is the generic name for Eldoquin?

      The generic name of Eldoquin is hydroquinone.

    • Is hydroquinone safe for the skin?

      Hydroquinone is generally safe to use, but do not use it without a piece of medical advice.

  • Shipping Method

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B. Pharma

(Dr. A. Sharma, PharmD, is a licensed pharmacist and a medical writer with 10 years of clinical experience. He strives to empower patients to understand their medications so that they become better healthcare advocates. )

The medical information on the Day Night Drugs website intends to provide basic knowledge of the medication and medical condition. It nowhere stands to substitute the guidelines shared by a healthcare professional. Read more...

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