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Box pack and few blisters of generic Pioglitazone Hydrochloride 45mg tablets

Actos 45mg Tablets (Generic Product)

  • Manufacturer Micro Labs & Emcure Pharmaceuticals
  • Generic Name Pioglitazone Hydrochloride 45mg tablets
  • Rx Requirement This product requires a PRESCRIPTION
Price Per Unit Qty. Price (US $)
$0.57 30 $17.10 $17.10 Add to Cart
$0.38 60 $34.20 $22.80 You Save $11.40 Add to Cart
$0.33 90 $51.30 $29.70 You Save $21.60 Add to Cart
$0.33 180 $102.60 $59.40 You Save $43.20 Add to Cart
$0.33 270 $153.90 $89.10 You Save $64.80 Add to Cart
$0.33 300 $171.00 $99.00 You Save $72.00 Add to Cart
  • Description

    Actos diabetes medicine is a drug that helps in controlling high blood sugar levels which, therefore, helps in preclude nerve problems, kidney damage, sexual problems, etc. This medicine is used along with a full treatment program that includes; diet and exercise.

    This medicine is used by people suffering from type 2 diabetes. Actos 45mg type 2 diabetes drugs work by restoring one’s bodies proper response to insulin, hence, helping in lowering blood sugar levels.

    This is used along with a combination of medicines, if not used alone.

  • General Information

    All the health and medical information provided over here is for general purposes only. We in no way can match up to the expertise and judgement of your healthcare provider. Therefore, we would recommend you to always consult your doctor first before taking any drug or medication, to certify the safety and efficacy of it on you.

  • Warning & Precautions

    Pioglitazone hydrochloride 45 mg tablets should be taken during pregnancy when it is clearly needed along with the full consent of your doctor.

    Inform your doctor about all your medical conditions, especially if you are going through a heart disease, bladder cancer, anemia, liver disease, etc.

    Actos 30mg tablets can cause dizziness and blurred eyesight. Do not do things that need you to be alert or vigilant as it can cause harmful effects.

    Alcohol consumption should be limited as it can lower your blood sugar levels.

    Generic actos 45mg tablets can increase the risk of bone fracture specially in females. Also, it can cause a lot of changes in a women’s menstrual cycle and increase the risk of pregnancy.

    Inform your doctor about all the medications you have been taking so as to avoid drug interactions.

  • Side Effects

    The following are the side-effects of actos (pioglitazone hydrochloride) 45mg tablet;

    • Sore throat
    • Muscle pain
    • Weight gain
    • Tooth problems

    Rare effects of pioglitazone hydrochloride diabetic medicine include; a liver disease which may give you symptoms such as; dark urine, yellowing of skin, nausea and abdominal pain.

    Manifestations of low blood sugar include; sweating, blurred vision, dizziness, fast heartbeat, hunger, etc. Whereas, symptoms of high blood sugar include; flushing, rapid breathing, drowsiness, the increased urge of urination, dazed out, etc.

    Contact your doctor if you witness any of the above-given symptoms or condition and immediately seek medical help.

  • Directions to use

    Oral Pioglitazone 45mg diabetes tablets should be taken with or without food as your doctor has directed you to.

    The medicine takes time to show its results. So, it is advised to use it religiously before for best results.

    Store at room temperature away from heat, light, and moisture.

  • Shipping Method

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B. Pharma

(Dr. A. Sharma, PharmD, is a licensed pharmacist and a medical writer with 10 years of clinical experience. He strives to empower patients to understand their medications so that they become better healthcare advocates. )

The medical information on the Day Night Drugs website intends to provide basic knowledge of the medication and medical condition. It nowhere stands to substitute the guidelines shared by a healthcare professional. Read more...

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