Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) also famously known or termed as ‘the hormone of pregnancy’ plays an essential role in human reproduction. Along with this, it also helps in increasing sperm count in men.
HCG is a hormone that is made up of cells formed in the placenta, which, therefore, nourishes the egg after it has been fertilized and hence attached to the uterine wall.
Pregnancy tests majorly are used to identify high levels of HCG in a female’s urine, thereby, confirming pregnancy. However, blood tests are equally important to guarantee a full-fledged pregnancy.
According to studies, it is believed that HCG injections really help in female infertility and has helped many infertile females get pregnant.
Therefore, the cost of HCG injections for fertility is touching the skies; however, Day Night Drugs brings to you a variety of infertility HCG injections at the lowest prices possible that can help you save up to 80% on Sifasi-HP HCG 2000IU (Highly Purified) Injection.
Let’s have a look at how does this work.
There are many underlying causes due to which a female has to face infertility. Some of the major problems include; ovulation, harm to the fallopian tubes or problems with the cervix. Apart from this, age also plays a significant role in not being able to conceive.
The primary function of HCG is to foster the fertilized eggs after it gets attached to the wall of the uterus. Once the placenta is successfully formed, it excludes HCG hormones.
The healthy growth of embryo during pregnancy needs the right amount of HCG. Therefore, as the embryo grows, the HCG increases significantly.
You can easily buy HCG injections for pregnancy like Fertigyn HCG 2000IU Injection from us as we give you amazing deals and discounts on all HCG medications.
Also Read : Guide to Buy HCG Injections Online
With pros always come their cons that can’t be ignored but taken care of wisely.
HCG shots during pregnancy can increase the chances of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). However, mild symptoms can subside in a week. Whereas severe symptoms are very rarely observed in a woman.
HCG shots can also make you gain weight rapidly which in some cases are normal, but, if the weight gain is abrupt, consulting your doctor is the best idea.
Soreness and swelling of breasts
Depression can also hit a few patients where they get a feeling of irritations, hopelessness, anger, etc. The main reason to develop this condition is the hormonal changes that take place, which thereby cause mood swings as well.
Buy Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Online from us, Day Night Drugs and enjoy the free home delivery and cheap prices.
There are many speculations about HCG injections, one of them is ‘Can HCG preclude miscarriages?’ Miscarriage is the biggest nightmare for a woman, moreover for a mother. This condition occurs after 20 weeks of gestation, the major reason being the low levels of HCG.
If you are a woman who has had multiple miscarriages in the past, it is very evident that you would take all the necessary precautions to avert this condition. In such situations, your health care provider may give you HCG shots to stimulate the release of eggs in the ovary.
This is how HCG shots help miscarriages.
Also Read : Know All About HCG Injection For Men
We hereby state that one should understand the role of HCG properly in order to take full advantage of the therapeutic potentials of it. Also, if this treatment does not work out for you, don’t fret, there are other treatments such as vitro fertilization that can help lead to a successful pregnancy.
B. Pharma
(Dr. A. Sharma, PharmD, is a licensed pharmacist and a medical writer with 10 years of clinical experience. He strives to empower patients to understand their medications so that they become better healthcare advocates.)
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